Remember, Protect, See and Love
At first,
there is the feeling of the body.
An awareness
Through every cell.
And then outside
And inside again.
The elephant is here.
He remembers.
He remembers a time
Free of dilemma.
A freedom
From the mind’s control.
A natural way
He seemed
to temporarily forget.
He remembers
his simple connection
To the elements.
He accepts life
Gracefully in his stride.
He listens
to the true women.
He searches
For the sweet waters.
Treading quietly,
With great size,
The elephant takes his seat
at my feet.
And the lion awakens.
He roars
Vibrations reverberating
Through my chest.
Echoes of his expression
Ripple upon the earth’s surface
Until everything is alive
And listening.
The lion protects.
The lion protects himself
And his family.
He will risk his life for his pride.
The lion is playful with his young,
Yet embraces a firm hand,
With love.
He fiercely embodies his sexuality,
Shares his passion
And owns his desire.
Again. And again. And again.
He is determined
Wrapped in the golden light
Of the sun.
The lion takes his seat in my heart,
A king upon his throne.
All the while,
The owl looks on.
Engulfed in darkness,
Residing in the silent night.
The owl observes.
The owl observes and actively chooses
Not to react.
When the owl moves,
It is with deliberate precision,
From a place of deep knowing.
The owl is beyond the ego “I”.
His work is beyond this lifetime,
As he traverses the veil of death.
The owl calls
And his partner returns,
Hearing almost as one owl,
Making one sound.
The owl takes his seat
On my right shoulder
And whispers into my ear
All that he sees.
I remember
To protect
All that I see
And love
by Chris Auret